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Giz Ela, Livre! © Rita Draper Frazão 2024 |
Passados bem presentes, intensamente agora, para amanhã ver mais além. Saber de onde e quem. A mistura da tradição e do vento geram outros alcances, outros temperos, outras temperaturas. Paragens do tempo, re-paragens* na viagem, paisagens em movimento. Como brincadeira de criança. Animal felino em fuga-cidade*.
Crivo das cigarras rumo aos silêncios. A cada hábito, um gesto, a cada gesto, uma observação, o olhar quotidiano profundo de quem vê para além do óbvio, a quem não mais tem amplitude para o aborrecimento daquela cena do costume, qual formiga trabalhadora que se chega à frente.
A graça, engraça, o canto, o encanto, a proibição do espalha-fato*, a tentação abismal da largueza.
Alquímica transmutação do chumbo. Entre corriqueira costura de drapeados e cicatrizes. Como se fosse fácil. Que deste ventre urge parir-se liberdade, sem medo, sem preconceitos. Ao som do vento, só, a ferro e fogo, nas profundezas de uma mina, cujo conhecimento é atributo dos audazes e de quem pergunta na busca de uma verdade velada, ao comum dos mortais.
Como o mistério da saudade, cujo som reverbera por antigos e eternos segundos. Que nem pancada no alvo* mármore, num sagrado panteão. Casa* (de) todos os Deuses. Casa* (dos) marcos. Vidas de outras vidas. Vidas que foram. Vidas que são. Vidas que somos. Vidas que acolhemos em nós. A nossa casa, o nosso corpo. O corpo às balas.
Marcha inaugural, gestantes palavras, palavras do ventre, palavras ao vento, sons das entranhas, branco e negro.
Como nas cores de um texto num livro ou numa partitura.
Tantas coisas aprendemos na escola.
Mas, mas, mas.
Tanto por fazer. Oportunidades para ser. As sete vidas dos gatos, á-gata. Diamante negro.
Que falta faria quem escrevesse no quadro, em alto contraste, vibrando as cordas sem amarras.
Pelas agruras, pelos extremos, pelos tabus, pelos inconformados, pelos excluídos, pelos injustiçados, pelas mulheres.
Trepidação dos nervos, auscultação de estalactites, sonhos em velocidade por um mundo melhor para nós.
As mulheres. As mulheres. As mulheres. O amor. O amor. O amor.
O batom e a cor das rosas, cor de rosa. Os saltos* da Gisela, o fado da gazela. Copo de vinho meio cheio. Festa crua. Coro* na arté-ria*. Sapos e trapos. Doces e Mel. Diz lá se és crente, se és carente.
Canto a rasgar veludo negro e rouco. Exorcizado grafito* descalço. Pirâmides de Gisé-lá* atrás. Vanguarda ancestral que balança com perfume na rua do mundo como com fresh-cor* no bairro da vida.
Por-tento*, palavras e palavrões. A fala de muitos que, qual bola, ela atira e diz altooooooo nas alturas, enquanto escreve na ardósia em tom de grito:
Giz Ela Livre!
Texto e desenho © Rita Draper Frazão 2024
Retrato de Gisela João feito ao vivo no seu último concerto em Lisboa no Convento da Graça, no âmbito do Festival Colina das Artes, a 14 de Setembro de 2024. 1974-2024: 50 anos do 25 de Abril.
Texto escrito a partir do desenho.
[*Este texto foi pensado para ser lido e entendido com os múltiplos significados, associações e sonoridades das palavras que escolhi ou que inventei maioritariamente em Português. Não é, por isso, fácil de traduzir para Inglês ou outras línguas. Mas o texto em baixo em Inglês tem conteúdo sobre isto que o texto Português não tem.]
This text regards the portrait I've made of the person and the singer Gisela João. The text in Portuguese above was thought to be read and understood with its multiple word meanings, associations and sounds I chose or invented mostly in that language. Therefore, it's not easy to translate this to any other language, sorry!
But, you guys know I am all for including everyone, so in my defense and in defense of those who don't speak Portuguese, I will say in English what I didn't in Portuguese, so both versions have unique contents.
The core message of this drawing and text, both titled "Giz Ela Livre!", regards poetry, sounds, lots of word puns in Portuguese language and many references of things I felt when I made this drawing.
[*Este texto foi pensado para ser lido e entendido com os múltiplos significados, associações e sonoridades das palavras que escolhi ou que inventei maioritariamente em Português. Não é, por isso, fácil de traduzir para Inglês ou outras línguas. Mas o texto em baixo em Inglês tem conteúdo sobre isto que o texto Português não tem.]
This text regards the portrait I've made of the person and the singer Gisela João. The text in Portuguese above was thought to be read and understood with its multiple word meanings, associations and sounds I chose or invented mostly in that language. Therefore, it's not easy to translate this to any other language, sorry!
But, you guys know I am all for including everyone, so in my defense and in defense of those who don't speak Portuguese, I will say in English what I didn't in Portuguese, so both versions have unique contents.
The core message of this drawing and text, both titled "Giz Ela Livre!", regards poetry, sounds, lots of word puns in Portuguese language and many references of things I felt when I made this drawing.
Yes, it's a portrait of Gisela João, but symbolically speaking, one could say, it's also a portrait of myself (as all portraits I do or did so far), and of many other women.
For those who don't know her, she started of as a Fado singer and has over time, been exploring new musical territories. She is a force of nature and an advocate for strong causes: women's rights, lgbtqia+, and I believe many others. Her voice is as hoarse as deep. She is heard. And is drop dead gorgeous too!
That night, I used graphite (Black and white, the highest color contrast possible. A raw and natural material) and my own pink lipstick (a possible feminine universe) to make "Giz Ela, Livre!" The word livre means free in Portuguese, and was placed over her belly area in analogy to women (nutrition, feeding, womb, roots, motherhood, sisterhood, homeland) and freedom (give birth to something, not necessarily a baby, but an opinion, an idea, etc).
For those who don't know her, she started of as a Fado singer and has over time, been exploring new musical territories. She is a force of nature and an advocate for strong causes: women's rights, lgbtqia+, and I believe many others. Her voice is as hoarse as deep. She is heard. And is drop dead gorgeous too!
That night, I used graphite (Black and white, the highest color contrast possible. A raw and natural material) and my own pink lipstick (a possible feminine universe) to make "Giz Ela, Livre!" The word livre means free in Portuguese, and was placed over her belly area in analogy to women (nutrition, feeding, womb, roots, motherhood, sisterhood, homeland) and freedom (give birth to something, not necessarily a baby, but an opinion, an idea, etc).
It was pretty windy during the concert (I guess one could figure that one out, by the drawing too) but, as she was holding a mic, she never made that arms' move she's in the drawing. I imagined her so, in a free and open gesture. (Ahhhh the arts' wings that lead to freedom)
The clothes were in fact what she wore, and indeed one could see her tummy: a central point in my whole concept for drawing and texts.
In Portuguese, Giz means chalk, and Ela means her so, the title of this work, itself, is a word pun between her name, her personality, her work, the current phase, and what I wanted this work to be about. Both Gis (Taken from Gisela. It isn't a real word) and Giz sound alike Diz, which means say. Giz/Chalk automatically takes me back to a school realm, learning and expressing skills. Livre you already know what it means. In short, thoughts about drawing, writing and saying freedom out loud for the future to come.
And, I couldn't end this without mentioning that there was no way I would post this, other than tonight, when a lunar eclipse in Pisces is taking place in GMT. Evolution in the works.
All this relates to what she sang, to the Portuguese carnation revolution 50 years' celebration (the end of dictatorship in Portugal), to what she said in the concert and to what she, in my vision, conveys.
In Portuguese, Giz means chalk, and Ela means her so, the title of this work, itself, is a word pun between her name, her personality, her work, the current phase, and what I wanted this work to be about. Both Gis (Taken from Gisela. It isn't a real word) and Giz sound alike Diz, which means say. Giz/Chalk automatically takes me back to a school realm, learning and expressing skills. Livre you already know what it means. In short, thoughts about drawing, writing and saying freedom out loud for the future to come.
And, I couldn't end this without mentioning that there was no way I would post this, other than tonight, when a lunar eclipse in Pisces is taking place in GMT. Evolution in the works.
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