© Rita Draper Frazão

Inner Tour is a blog about People, Arts and Traveling by Rita Draper Frazão.
If you want to use my work, presented here, please send me a message.


Fall in love story

Happy Valentine's day :) 
This article is dedicated to all the loving persons in the world.

Here's an interpretation of the song I fall in love too easily.

At a certain time, these type of machines where very popular in cafes, in Portugal. You'd insert a coin and get a sphere, one could open, with a little present inside.
In mine, the presents are hearts with different colors - love with several shades. I made it in 2002.

I dedicated it it to my Prima Lena - someone who owned a store of books, music and other things. Long sunny afternoons, have I spent in her bookstore's attic, and at her cinematographic house, drawing her. She dedicated her whole life to the others and to area of letters. 

From her, I was given great quality watercolors, Mucha posters, some photography input, books like Masters of Jazz, Modern Art 1905-1945, Aparição from Vergílio Ferreira; Shakespear's sonets, albums of Chet Baker, Miles Davis, and other Jazz musicians, and last but not the least, a huge collection of Opera and Classical music...the list goes on...

Needless to say, she was a big influence on my interest in poetry, literature, photography and music, and therefore, a source of endless fascination in my life. 

She passed away years ago, but left with me, all those references. Most of all, she left in me an anchor of of love and beauty.

I'm sending them now, back at you!

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