© Rita Draper Frazão

Inner Tour is a blog about People, Arts and Traveling by Rita Draper Frazão.
If you want to use my work, presented here, please send me a message.


Jim Black's Kitchen

Jim's the talented drummer from Seattle who became famous with projects like AlasNoAxis, Pachora, Human Feel, and Trio Azul, just to name a few. 

These three drawings were made live from his trio concert

I wonder if most drummers as kids messed up their Mum's Kitchens, playing with spoons and pans. 
I have no idea if Jim did, but on this concert, I imagined him (with his sort of dishcloths over his cymbals) in a remote sunny location, having loads of fun in his kitchen - his drums! The road was silk and he was digging' it! I was glad to listen his playing and his compositions too.

This one is from the Austrian piano player Elias Stemeseder. My initial idea on this drawing was to make the piano a mirror with Klar & Tief (Clear & Deep) written on it, but then I thought it would be even more simpler if I didn't put color on it. This 24 year old boy comes from poetry and treated the music and the piano as his most precious gift. Very special. No wonder Jim chose him. 

This one is the American double bass player Thomas Morgan. Thought he was all about the structures in demand. The double bass was his body. Very discreet, I loved his diagonal fringe but I don't think my drawing is as cool as the real deal

Over the last 20 years Jim Black played in Portugal every single year. 
I guess he keeps coming back for a reason. 
We love you Jim!

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