© Rita Draper Frazão

Inner Tour is a blog about People, Arts and Traveling by Rita Draper Frazão.
If you want to use my work, presented here, please send me a message.


Tape Junk @ Vodafone Mexe Fest

Every year, Vodafone Mexe Fest provide us the chance to chose a music route during two days in the axis of Avenida da Liberdade in Lisbon.

Here is a drawing I've made live from Tape Junk
Tape Junk Rolling!!

One day I had been hitchhiking in America. The sun was shinning and my heart was pumping for the next new adventure. Tobacco was cheap and the the fabric prints were like country side moving.
Met these really nice guys who drove me to a place called Fun, it was Tape Junk.

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