© Rita Draper Frazão

Inner Tour is a blog about People, Arts and Traveling by Rita Draper Frazão.
If you want to use my work, presented here, please send me a message.


São João :: Porto

This June I went to Porto to celebrate São João, the city saint patron. It is the biggest party in town and it was just beautiful how I was welcomed everywhere.

Sharing here some of the things I did and some of the drawings I've made there.

Miss'opo is Guest House & Gallery with a nice Restaurant down town.
The ambience is very urban and arty. The company was perfect with my friend Angélica & the food was great! I decided to incorporate the receipt since we asked for a beer and that, in Lisbon is called Imperial and in Porto is called Fino :) Love it! The cards are all different and hand made.

The weather was great and perfect for city strolls.

 One of the strolls I did was this one, organized by Fundação Serralves (making part of Serralves's anniversary commemorations).
Very talented musicians, and poets worked on a sound piece from Kaffe Matthews for a bike ride from Ribeira to the Lighthouse.
I went on the last day possible! On the 23rd! The city was so crowded, because of the party, that was hard to ride the bike in certain parts of the route. Apart from that, the initiative was great and made totally sense to me to associate that river line with a story and sounds. It changed my romantic view of Douro and made me wonder on how much we pollute nowadays.

The night ended up in Sonoscopia with a beautiful party with nice music & with an amazing sky, full of colours with the paper balloons!

<3 Porto! 

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