© Rita Draper Frazão

Inner Tour is a blog about People, Arts and Traveling by Rita Draper Frazão.
If you want to use my work, presented here, please send me a message.


The right place (Joana Bernardo | Radar)

This must be the place © Rita Draper Frazão 2019

Radio Series

A couple of weeks ago, I started a new project for my blog, and this is my first publication about it. This new adventure of mine, is something I had in mind for years. It's about my favorite Radio Hosts, and I called it Radio Series.
In the following times, I will publish some articles and drawings here, about each one of them.

I feel like the radio keeps me company, and makes me happy in a deep way, as music does.
Radio programs and music are something one can't grab or touch. One can listen (and sometimes see). Differently from other visual arts, the no images attached space these two provide, allows me to fill that gap with my imagination. The result is what you can find in these Radio series. May you hear the sound in these drawings and texts.

My first stop is at Radio Radar. Enjoy and join me in the ride!

One of those things

Way before I met Radar's radio host, Joana Bernardo, seems like our lives were already linked. 
While a child, Joana was friends with persons that used to spend Summer Vacations in a house owned by my family. We never met back then.

We've just found out about this, many years afterwards, when we studied together at the fine Arts School, in Lisbon. That's how we met.
Then, in 2009, Joana started to work with Radar, hosting the show Bairro do amor (in English, something like the Love district). That's also the title of one of the most iconic Jorge Palma's album, a landmark in the Portuguese music scene.

Turns out, Palma, in different times, also went to that same house. He even wrote a song about it, and recorded it in his Voo Nocturno album.

In the end, the link between these unexpected and seemingly disconnected facts, between Joana, the radio show, Jorge Palma and I, is just one: music. 

Radio peek

Despite our friendship of years, I had never made before, a portrait just from her. This time around, it was mandatory for me, that this series, started with the drawing and article I did about her. She was the first person I contacted to do so, and the first one to accept my challenge.

Joana and I, didn't see each other for a while. Arriving to the radio, I was a bit afraid our catching up could interfere with my focus on the drawing. But, fortunately, things came across the other way around: the conversation flowed, with my ideas, and I think I must've done her portrait in minutes.

Type of Language

I need to mention this chick did a master in contemporary editorial and typographical practices. In that context, she made a book called 30 anos 8 dias. It's about the daily life of a group of creative people around 30 years old. I found it a true archive for the future. 

In the context of this radio series, that book's relevant to mention, to emphasize the curiosity of this radio host, in knowing different things, different people, and different ways of doing things, daily. I see that same openness in her musical choices in the radio - that can include, pop, new wave, rock, jazz, hip hop, reggae, folk, grunge, or r'n'b. All wrapped up, in that clear voice of hers. Worth to mention her diction, that reminds me the finest porcelain.

Nowadays, one can hear Joana at Radar FM , live from Monday to Friday, from 14h to 17h (GMT), in Comércio Livre - Monday to Friday, and in Álbum de Família - Wednesday at 14h, Sunday at 12h and Monday at 23h. Podcasts can be found here.

In the Radio's studio, there were some typography elements, that reminded me, of our common graphic design background. Somehow, I wanted a reference of it, in this drawing. So, I later stamped This must be the place, with types of several alphabets of my personal stamp collection - that I have been making, ever since I am a little kid. Loved playing with them, and still do! 

These typographic choices are, therefore, are an allusion to that diversity I find in Joana, to the text, and to our childhood - the period where our lives started to be connected, at distance. 

The right place

About the portrait, itself, I started to chose which color I wanted it to have, and why. For Joana, I wanted something airy, sweet, and unattainable (a cloud, a scent, a steam one can't grab, as the radio) - a hue almost confusable with the background white. Something reservedly mysterious and alluring, at the same time.

Here's someone who looks at things with sharp eyes, and makes them objective - as if that was simple! In my vision, that required a fast drawing with simple lines, to match.

During our drawing-talky session, I got to know Talking heads is one of Joana's favorite bands. This must be the place (Naive Melody), is both the title of the Talking Heads' song, and my portrait of Joana Bernardo. The song is 36 years old, and still so actual. It's also one of my favorites tunes of this band. I chose this specific song to her portrait, due to its airy, exotic & in vogue tone. I see so much of that in her.

This must be the place is said to be Talking heads' first love song. But not a common one.
They had had the genius of writing a love song, out of pure joy, without making it look tacky. So many bands trying to do now, what they've accomplished almost 40 years ago. They were breaking ground for the future to come.

And Joana Bernardo is also that type of being, who thinks ahead - as if that pinky steam in her drawing, could vaporize the world to come, and inspire it to be, the place to be in.
The better place I'd want you, Joana and me, to be in too. As in the lyrics of this song, Feet on the ground, head in the sky. I guess this must be the place. A match made in heaven.

The next Radio series

Curious to know who am I writing and drawing about next?
I am preparing some really cool stuff for the next chapters, and more exciting contents will come soon! Stay tuned, and don't miss a bit!

7 comentários:

  1. Lindo, Rita. Adorei o desenho, adorei a história e adoro a Radar e voz da Joana. Parabéns. Continua a partilhar as tuas histórias.
    Beijinhos grandes,
    Rita (a que te chama rita-do-hot)

  2. Ooooh Rita, obrigada! Senti o Carinho! <3 !!

  3. Parabéns pelo texto e pelo desenho. Gosto de ver a vida do teu ponto de vista. É tão bom despirmo-nos um bocadinho de nós e entrarmos um bocadinho no outro. Adoro os teus desenhos, são mágicos. Um beijinho grande minha querida.

    1. Oh que querida, Soraia! Sim, este meu trabalho acaba por ser muito isso, muito bem observado :) Obrigada pelas tuas palavras <3

  4. Rita Magic in action,
    receiving digesting adding her own, to trees become a forest!
    This is all wonderful, thank you for sharing the richness of your ears and heart

  5. Yesss o Rita magic,
    absorbing ,reflecting, educating, nurturing, espoalhando sementes...uma floresta! Nina x

  6. Nina, thank you for your sensitive and imaginative regards about my work. Now I felt it in your comments, but, over the years, that same ability of yours - translated into your voice, writing, painting and music - lifted my soul and made me fly (away) so many times. So grateful for it! <3
